6 tips to encourage independence in our little ones

We've all heard it before — "We're not raising children, we're raising adults." So how do we teach our little ones to be independent and confidently navigate life? We've put together 6 simple tips you can start implementing today.

So how do we encourage independence…?

1. Build a strong connection! Often our kids can get “clingy” when they are in need of some attention or aren’t getting their emotional needs met.

Build a strong connection

2. Resist the urge to do for them what they can do on their own.
Science backs it up. It’s good for kids to be bored! Slow down and try not to plan every moment. Let their creativity decide what to do next!

Let them do the work themselves

3. Let your little one pick their outfit each morning.
We love capsule wardrobes — a handful of carefully curated pieces in their wardrobe that are versatile and compliment each other. Your toddler can mix and match on their own, and still look “put together!” Shoes that go with every outfit are a must, hint hint. 😉

4. Let them help with cooking and cleaning! Most toddlers love to do whatever mom is doing. Enjoy this stage while it lasts, and instill good habits by allowing them to help with household tasks.

Let them help with cooking and cleaning

5. Let go of perfection.
Celebrate your little one’s effort, even if it’s not done as well as you might have done it yourself.

Let go of perfection

6. Offer them opportunities!
Watch them learn from their failures, and gain confidence as they try new things.

    “It’s not what you do for our children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”
    — Ann Landers

    You've got this, mama!


    Kids having fun